1 In Kids/ Sports Portraits

Soccer Portraits

I had the opportunity to shoot 3 soccer teams.  The teams had scheduling conflicts with the photographer that did the whole rest of the city.  But I got lucky enough to shoot 3 of the teams.  These kids were so great and the coaches and parents, so helpful.  Thanks to everyone for being patient and sweet as I learn and do this kind of thing for the first time ever!  

This is the “scrapbook page” that I made for the parents as an option to get an individual and a team picture.  It was a great option to have.  Definitely a favorite.  I learned alot from this and am grateful to all those who trusted me to capture this fun time for their child!

2 In Newborns

12 days old

This baby girl was only 12 days old. I went to her house and used the light from the front window. She was very particular about being on her back. She did not like it at all. The shoot worked out wonderfully. We got some shots while she was awake. Then she filled up her tummy and fell right to sleep. Thanks K family!