1 In Kids/ Studio

1 year old!

Check out little {L}! Isn’t she beautiful?! The session was done in my home in our little studio! The studio accommodates only a few at a time for now but certainly does the job, and it’s been a nice alternative to our wintery Utah outdoor sessions.
Thanks Lynette, for bringing your little beauty over to be photographed.  Love you girls!

2 In Kids/ Studio

Hello, Blue Eyes

Baby {A} is 3 months old, and can you believe her eye color?! WOW! Usually babies this age have gray eyes until later when their eye color is determined. But not this beauty. Her eyes are definitely blue! She’s not only beautiful but such a good girl. I felt so lucky to have taken her pictures.

1 In Families/ Kids/ On-location

The Keele’s -part 2

A few weeks ago this family and I arrived at our location and the sun had already gone down. We quickly took family pictures and when we tried the individuals for the kids there just wasn’t enough light to freeze the shot. So we tried again, and boy was it great! Thanks goes to Sterling for holding up the sun blocker so we could have some shade. I seriously couldn’t have gotten the results without him. Thank you so much Sterling! And thank you Rosy for getting everybody all dressed up again so we could get some great pictures! What a great, and good looking family. Love you guys!

Anybody who knows this guy, knows that he’s a load of fun! All these poses were his idea. The middle one? Yep, the thinker. 🙂

0 In Families/ On-location

The Keele’s

This family ROCKS! I was surprised how smiley the youngest was. Sometimes you have to stand on your head to get the babies to smile. But not her. She was so cute!
Our husbands needed to do some things before we could go on the shoot and because it was so late in the day and the sun was down when we got to our location we’re going to go another day to take some more pictures of the kids. So, you’ll see those soon! In the meantime, enjoy this beautiful family!

1 In Families/ Kids

Do you remember the 12 day old I took pictures of 4 months ago? Well, this is her sweet, sweet family! And boy was it cold! 35 degrees when we finished the shoot and everybody was still happy. Thanks for hanging out with me for a little bit guys. I had a great time!