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0 In Studio

My Home Studio

My home studio is in the front room of my house. You would never know looking at these, right? I make it work with the lighting and the equipment that I have. My house isn’t super big but the vaulted ceilings make it so I can put the lights and the backdrops up high if I need to. It always turns out great! I prefer on-location natural lighting but when it’s below 40 degrees, it’s just nice to have the option to go inside.

If you want to buy these cute clothes, I’ll put the links next to the items.

Ruffled Cold Shoulder Blouse

Better than Brunch Dress

Twisted Sleeve Tee

Criss Cross Varsity Tee

Simply Sweet in Stripes Dress

Spring Henley Tee

You can also shop more at

In Kids/ Studio

Hamaker girls

You know, kids grow.  They grow and you can’t stop it.  This is not a new concept.  I know.  But it’s dawning on me more now that my kids are getting older.  My youngest is almost 7 and I honestly can’t believe it.  How did this happen?  Life goes on even when we want it to stop.  

These girlies are growing up too.  So fast.  And I bet if you ask their Mom and Dad, they’d say they can’t believe their oldest is 3 1/2.  It goes by so fast.




In Baptism/ Studio

Katie’s Baptism Session

Katie’s getting baptized!  8 is certainly great!  

Katie is my cousin’s daughter. She had a fever on the day we were going to do take her baptism pictures. So, we decided that we would take them during our family Christmas party.  I brought a backdrop and set it up in front of my Mom’s sliding glass door in the back of the house.  It worked great!  I don’t shoot indoor-natural light very often but sometimes you just work with whatever you’re given.  I think they turned out super cute.





In Headshots/ Studio

UVU Headshots

I was asked by a division of Utah Valley University to take headshots of some of their employees.  We had a great time over the course of 2 days.  I was pleasantly surprised to hear many say that it wasn’t as bad as they thought it would be and that it was actually “fun!”  Getting your headshots taken can be nerve wracking sometimes. But I try to break the ice by being an idiot.  Then laughter ensues and everyone is relaxed enough to get a nice looking headshot.




