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0 In Families/ Kids/ On-location

Hamaker – Family Pictures

These guys. They work so hard.

Mom is a nurse working three jobs at times and does graveyard shifts. She’s working toward the job that gets you onto the life flight helicopter. She’s amazing and so, so smart.

Dad is a woodworker and incredibly talented. He makes works of art and also sells unique pieces of wood to buyers. You can find his beautiful pieces here. Sometimes he even moves 200 pound logs by himself. What?!

Did I mention that they work hard? And why? Well, because we die if we don’t work, but mostly it’s because they love their two little cutie girls so much. SO much!

Mom is also talented at making amazing photo prop scenes. The cute lemonade sign and all the props were put together by her. And you can tell, the girls had a blast with it.

In Kids/ Studio

Hamaker girls

You know, kids grow.  They grow and you can’t stop it.  This is not a new concept.  I know.  But it’s dawning on me more now that my kids are getting older.  My youngest is almost 7 and I honestly can’t believe it.  How did this happen?  Life goes on even when we want it to stop.  

These girlies are growing up too.  So fast.  And I bet if you ask their Mom and Dad, they’d say they can’t believe their oldest is 3 1/2.  It goes by so fast.




In Kids/ On-location

Seiler Girls

A whole family of blondes and all girls too!  Such cuties!

The sunflowers only come out once a year, and for only one month.  We found a good patch of them on a road less traveled.  I imagine it may have been a busy road up until the main roads went in.  I’d bet those old roads have a sweet story.






0 In Baptism/ Kids/ On-location

Baptisms are the Best

mount-timpanogos-temple-baptism-photographyThis weekend my daughter was baptized and became a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. She’s awesome about getting out of bed herself, making her own breakfast, getting dressed and making her own lunch for school. A dream child right? How did I get so lucky? She is the happiest child and brings so much joy to our family. She’s a good friend and sister. She’s quick to give a hug and loves to receive them. I’m so glad she’s mine. And again, how did I get so lucky?



