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0 In Couples/ Prom/ Teens

Westlake Prom 2018

Worried much?  Yes, I was. The sun had gone behind the mountain and the light was fading fast. BUT! The beauty of that was I was able to see the gorgeous mountains behind them. If the sun had been shining brightly, the mountains most certainly wouldn’t have been seen. I could go into why that happens in camera but I’ll save that for another blog post someday.  In the meantime, check out their pictures! I got a group picture but am not allowed to show it due to some legal stuff, but here are a few of the individual shots.

In Prom/ Studio/ Teens

YW Group – Individual Worth

What is your worth in the eyes of the One?  

I was able to participate in an activity for a Young Women group in my area.  They got their hair and make up done, brought their prom dresses and dresses from siblings and friends to wear, and then we had fun taking pictures.  I was able to go to girl’s camp with these girls and the love you feel for somebody you serve, is the most humbling kind of love you will feel.  I can honestly say that I love these girls.






