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0 In About Me/ Families/ Studio

The Experience…

As a Mom of 5 kids, getting a pedicure is difficult and painful.  Difficult meaning, finding the time.  And painful meaning, why are you rubbing in that one spot on my leg over and over and over? I almost said something.  ALMOST.

But, last week I was able to find the time to use the pedicure gift certificate I had been given 6 months prior.  It was only good for 10 more days before it expired and I knew I needed to just do it.  Pedicures for me, are not very relaxing.  BUT, they do let me just sit there and think.  Think about whatever.  Which is so nice. And makes it so worth it.   Sometimes being a Mom and wife, I feel like I don’t get to have very many of my own thoughts.

This day, I was thinking about my photography business.  I was thinking about how I’m going to change the way I do things soon.  And thinking about how much work it’s going to take to get me there.  Offering prints, canvases, and keepsakes along with digital files and pricing it all, and getting it all ready.  It has been a lot of work.  But I’m almost done and it’ll be worth it.  I know it will.  As long as one thing happens.  I don’t quit.  When the going gets tough, the tough gets going.  And I’m going.  And being tough.  And for who?  Me.  Me and my awesome family.


One other thing that I thought was bizzare.  They had the TV on at the salon and I don’t even know what was on because I was so lost in my thoughts. But suddenly it busted me out of my thoughts when I heard two guys talking.  I had to google it later to find out what it was from.  It was from the movie Boyhood.  And it must have been edited somehow because there was some swearing in it that I didn’t hear.  But it went like this (edited):

Mr. Turlington: Who do you wanna be, Mason? What do you wanna do?
Mason: I wanna take pictures. Make art.
Mr. Turlington: Anybody can take pictures, Mason. Art, that’s special. What can you bring to it that nobody else can?

It just reiterated what I already know.  I need to have something that makes me different.  Some things I can bring to it that nobody else can. I can tell you what I’m going to bring to it.  A great experience!  An experience that’ll knock your socks off.  Experiences that include not only a great photography session but desserts and slideshow presentations after that session that’ll help you decide where to put your new art on your walls.

Am I nervous?  Heck yeah!  But we, as humans, don’t get stronger unless we push ourselves.  And push that fear and nervousness aside.  Here’s to a great 2015!

0 In Kids/ Studio

8 month old Sammy, is in the Studio

Can you believe her cuteness?  8 months old and full of sweetness.

Studio photography in the winter months is ideal for children.  They’re less cranky, and their noses and ears stay nice and warm and not totally cold and pink. Call me (Katie) to book your child’s photography session this month, 801-358-5772.
